Contesti was founded in 2002 by a group of young professionals with expertise in territorial analysis and planning.
Over the years, thanks to the growth of professional resources and expertise, we have widened our fields of intervention including research and innovation and territorial cooperation.
We include among our main partners international organizations, universities, research centers, established consultancy firms and relevant national and local socio-economic actors.
We are member of Confidustria, Centro di Competenza ICT-Sud and Polo Innovazione ICT Calabria, Associazione Italiana Scienze regionali.
Our activities are governed via a certified UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System.
- Business name: Contesti srl
- Registered office/headquarters: via della Resistenza, 23 – 87036 Rende (CS)
- VAT: 02489750782
- Capitale sociale versato: € 12.500,00
- Iscrizione Registro delle Imprese di: Cosenza 04/04/2002
- Numero REA: 168626