21 June 2016

Innovation and Technology Transfer

We carry out researches focused on territorial innovation systems and we promote forms of cooperation between enterprises and the research and academic system to foster the knowledge transfer. In particular we offer the following services: Analysis of territorial innovation systems Stimulating the demand for innovation Analysis and identification of the research and innovation offer Support […]

21 June 2016

Services to businesses

We help businesses to identify their innovation needs, to carry out feasibility studies and to write project proposals for funding. We offer the following services: Business check-up and Technology audit Feasibility studies and business plan Design of research and innovation projects Grant writing Marketing strategic plan

21 June 2016

Insights & Data

We support decision makers in getting the most out of data in both business and socio-economic field. In particular: We integrate open data and unstructured data from web with official statistics to allow a greater understanding of the phenomena We provide advanced systems for data analysis and knowledge extraction to make decisions rationally We support […]

21 June 2016

Economy and Society

We carry out socio-economic studies following a multi-disciplinary approach. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods are used to better interpret studied issues and phenomena. The main research tools include: Bibliographic research and literature review Statistical analysis Web scraping, text mining and sentiment analisys Field research and survey research Case study analysis Research-action Interviews and focus […]

21 June 2016

Territorial planning

We assist our clients all the way through the entire project life cycle by supporting them in the design (definition of core ideas, objectives and intervention strategy), implementation and evaluation phases of plans and programmes. We offer the following services: Technical assistance for the design and implementation of territorial development programmes Support to the identification […]